Routine appointments
During our opening hours you may telephone for an urgent appointment, or request non urgent medical advice via AccuRx. When you book an appointment please let us know if you wish to consult a particular doctor. Whilst we will endeavour to provide this, it may not always be possible. Please make your appointment well in advance.
Appointments invariably book up quite rapidly as we are operating from two surgeries.
Appointments are made at 10 minute intervals; however, some patients may need more time so surgeries sometimes run late. We will endeavour to keep patients informed at all times, so please be understanding if you have to wait.
A separate appointment is required for each person to be seen.
Urgent Appointments
Very urgent cases needing attention the same day are seen during morning surgeries. In an emergency you may, of course, telephone any time.
Cancelling your appointment
If you have an appointment and cannot attend or wish to cancel, you can telephone us on 0208 940 2802 or use the NHS App.
Home Visits
Where possible, requests for home visits should be made before 11.00am.
Home visits are for patients who are too ill to come to the surgery or are housebound. As well as taking the doctor four times as long to visit you at home, we can offer more comprehensive care at the surgery, so please come to us, if at all possible.