Seymour House and Lock Road Surgeries

154 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1UU

Telephone: 0208 940 2802

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55a Lock Road Ham TW10 7LJ | Telephone: 0208 940 1400

Your Rights

  • As a NHS patient you are entitled:
  • To receive general medical care from a GP on the basis of a clinical need and regardless of ability to pay.
  • To change your doctor if you want, quickly and easily.
  • To receive emergency medical care.
  • To be treated under the NHS by a GP if you are away from home.
  • To be treated by another GP in the practice if your own is not available.
  • To be offered a health check when first registering with a GP.
  • To request a health check if you haven’t seen a GP in more than three years
  • To be offered a yearly health check if you are over 75, carried out at the surgery or at home.
  • To have appropriate medicines and appliances prescribed when necessary.
  • To be referred to a consultant or specialist when your GP thinks necessary and be referred for a second opinion if you and your doctor agree it is desirable.
  • To be assured of confidentiality in all contacts with your GP and practice staff.
  • To receive, free of charge, certificates for statutory sick pay for illness lasting more than six days and other statutory certificates where appropriate.
  • To have clearly explained the diagnosis, proposed treatment, major risks and any alternatives.
  • To receive a home visit at any time if your doctor feels it is necessary.
  • To have access to your health records held on computer or hand written, subject to any limitations in law.
  • To receive an up-to-date information booklet.
  • To choose whether or not to take part in medical research and medical student training.
  • To choose to be registered with a doctor who provides contraceptive and maternity services. A patient may choose her own or any doctor that provides these services.
  • Where appropriate, to receive invitations for cervical screening.
  • To receive appropriate childhood vaccinations and immunisations.
  • To receive an invitation for free breast screening if you are a woman aged between 50 and 64 years old.
  • To receive advice about health, diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol, drugs and solvent abuse.
  • To have a complaint about any NHS service investigated and to receive a full and prompt written reply from the Chief Executive of the relevant Health Authority.
  • To see any medical report written about you for the purposes of insurance or employment.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    18 30 - 20.00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    18 30 - 20.00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    18 30 - 20.00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    18 30 - 20.00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Friday
    08:30am to 06:30pm
    18 30 - 20.00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Saturday
    09:00am to 05:00pm
    09 00 - 17 00 by appointment at Hub sites
  • Sunday
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